Este es un parche medicado de venta con receta, que se coloca sobre la piel. Libera hormonas que impiden el embarazo. Muchas mujeres prefieren el parche a las píldoras anticonceptivas, porque con el parche no es necesario acordarse de tomar una pastilla todos los días.
Your body has a special system built to create and support a growing baby. This is called your reproductive anatomy. Get to know the parts of your body and what they do.
GIFT and ZIFT are two methods to help you conceive. These methods are helpful for many who have problems with mild endometriosis, unexplained infertility, low sperm production, or sperm antibodies.
If you're experiencing pelvic scarring, tubal damage or obstruction, male infertility, or unexplained infertility, in vitro fertilization may help you conceive.
Laparoscopy is a method for surgery that can be used on the female reproductive tract. It helps diagnose and treat problems in the reproductive organs.
Laparoscopy is a type of surgery. The doctor uses a long, thin tube with a camera to look inside your body.
A condom is a sheath that forms a barrier between the penis and the vagina. Condoms can be used alone or with other forms of birth control to provide protection against pregnancy.
The diaphragm and the cervical cap are cup-shaped devices that are inserted into the vagina. They protect against pregnancy by covering the cervix and keeping sperm from meeting the egg.
The IUD (intrauterine device) is small, flexible, and T-shaped. It is placed in the uterus by a trained healthcare provider. The IUD is one of the most effective birth control methods.
Natural Family Planning is based on a woman's awareness of when she is fertile. By learning how to tell when you're fertile, you can know when to avoid sex. This can help prevent pregnancy.
Spermicides help prevent pregnancy by killing sperm before they can enter the uterus.
Birth control pills contain hormones that prevent pregnancy.
Hormones like the ones used in birth control pills can be taken in other forms. These must be prescribed by your healthcare provider.
ART may be needed for certain fertility problems. Or it may be used if other treatments haven't helped. In most cases, these methods use hormone medicines along with other techniques to increase the chances of success.
Your fertility depends on if you can ovulate. This is when an egg is released from an ovary. If you are not ovulating, you may be given hormone medicine to help. Read below to find out how these work.
Your doctor may suggest some simple methods to help you get pregnant. Most focus on predicting ovulation. This is the time when sex has the best chance of success. Your doctor may also advise working on other factors that can affect fertility.
Dealing with fertility problems can be exhausting. But if you feel discouraged or depressed, remember that you're not alone. Keep sharing your feelings with your partner. Take advantage of help from your provider, family, or support groups.
The path to pregnancy is not always smooth. Age, hormones, and the health of your reproductive system can all become obstacles to pregnancy. Keep in mind that it's common for both partners to have factors that decrease fertility.
To help your doctor look for the cause of fertility issues, you will have an evaluation. It will include a medical history, physical exam, and some basic tests. If needed, your doctor may also suggest procedures. These allow him or her to look at your reproductive organs.
There are several ways to treat problems that affect a woman's fertility. Some treatments help sperm or eggs pass through the reproductive tract. Others help an embryo implant in the uterus.
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