Este procedimiento, que toma de diez a quince minutos en completarse, es un examen visual del cuello del útero con un dispositivo de visión microscópica llamado colposcopio. Puede realizarse en conjunto con una biopsia o con otro procedimiento.
Este es un método para tomar muestras de tejido anormal del cuello uterino. El cuello uterino es la parte inferior del útero, o matriz, y es un lugar donde se puede desarrollar el cáncer. Así que cuando observamos células anormales en él, queremos estudiarlas detenidamente.
Este procedimiento (también denominado "D y L") se realiza para extirpar tejido del interior del útero. El útero es el órgano responsable de los embarazos y los períodos menstruales. Podemos realizar este procedimiento para obtener una muestra de tejido para su estudio. A esto lo llamamos "biopsia". También podemos realizarlo para tratar un problema en el interior del útero. O para eliminar los restos de tejido que han quedado tras un aborto espontáneo o un parto.
La laparoscopía ginecológica permite que su cirujano examine y trate problemas de los órganos que están en su área pélvica. Se lleva a cabo con un instrumento de visualización llamado "laparoscopio".
Este procedimiento ambulatorio reforma o reduce el tamaño de los labios menores, comúnmente llamados labios internos de la vagina. Los mismos son pliegues de piel que están a ambos lados de la entrada vaginal. Algunas mujeres tienen labios menores de gran tamaño, sobresalientes o con forma irregular y esto puede ser incómodo y puede hacer que una mujer se sienta cohibida. La labioplastia puede dar a los labios un aspecto que la mujer considere como más estándar.
Esta prueba se realiza para buscar células anormales en el cuello uterino. Esa es la parte inferior del útero. Hacemos esta prueba para encontrar células que pueden convertirse en cáncer. También nos ayuda a detectar el cáncer que aún está en sus primeras fases.
Con esta cirugía se repara un perineo dañado. El perineo es el área que se encuentra entre la vagina y el ano. Utilizamos este procedimiento para remediar problemas relacionados con el parto o alguna otra lesión. Elimina el tejido cicatricial que se ha formado tras un desgarro. Puede ayudar a reforzar la zona alrededor de las paredes vaginales debilitadas. Y puede ayudar a aliviar el dolor que se siente durante las relaciones sexuales.
Endometrial biopsy is a procedure used to study the lining of the uterus. It is usually done in your healthcare provider's office.
Endometrial ablation is an outpatient surgery that can reduce or stop heavy uterine bleeding. Treatment takes less than an hour, and you can go home later that day.
A cone biopsy is a quick outpatient surgery used to find and treat a problem in the cervix. Your healthcare provider may do a cone biopsy if 1 or more Pap tests and a colposcopy (microscope) exam showed abnormal cells on your cervix.
Colposcopy is a procedure that gives your healthcare provider a magnified view of the cervix. It is done using a lighted microscope called a colposcope. In most cases, a sample of cervical cells is taken during a biopsy.
Tubal sterilization is one of the most effective forms of birth control. It blocks the egg from being fertilized by sperm. This prevents pregnancy.
Endometriosis can cause symptoms such as pain. The condition can also cause trouble getting pregnant. But endometriosis can be treated. Hormones and surgery are the most common options. Talk with your healthcare provider.
Pelvic laparoscopy is often used to diagnose and treat the causes of pelvic problems, such as pain and infertility.
Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure is an effective outpatient treatment for abnormal cell growth. A fine wire loop with a special high-frequency current allows your healthcare provider to precisely remove the abnormal tissue from your cervix.
Your healthcare provider has recommended you have a dilation and curettage. This common procedure helps your healthcare provider learn more about problems inside your uterus or is done to treat a miscarriage.
Pelvic ultrasound is an imaging test that uses sound waves to form pictures of your organs. It can help assess pain or other symptoms within your pelvis. In pregnant women, it is used to check the health of the unborn baby.
Cervical cryotherapy is a procedure that removes abnormal cells from the cervix. Here's what you need to know about the procedure.
You may go home the day of surgery, or you may stay in the hospital for 1 or more days. The length of your stay is based on the surgery you had.
If your pelvic organ prolapse is mild or doesn't bother you much, or if you have health conditions that make surgery too risky, nonsurgical treatment may be a good choice. A device (pessary) to wear in your vagina can help ease your symptoms. You may also be given certain exercises (Kegels) and asked to make lifestyle changes.
Cystocele is when the bladder sags into the vagina. The goal of surgery is to repair the problem and relieve your symptoms. Your surgery may include one or more repairs.
Urinary incontinence (urine leakage) can be treated during pelvic organ prolapse surgery. The goal of surgery is to hold the urethra and bladder firmly in place to prevent leakage and relieve your symptoms.
Rectocele is when the rectum bulges into the vagina. Enterocele is when the small intestine bulges into the vagina. The goal of surgery is to repair the problem and relieve your symptoms.
Uterine prolapse is when the uterus drops into the vagina. In severe cases, the uterus can stick out from the vagina. The goal of surgery is to fix the problem and relieve your symptoms.
Vaginal vault prolapse is when the walls of the vagina fall in on themselves. This can happen after the uterus has been removed.
A cone biopsy is a quick outpatient surgery used to find and treat a problem in the cervix. It takes less than an hour, and you'll be able to go home the same day.
Many reproductive organ surgeries are done using laparoscopy. Most often, the goal of surgery is to find and sometimes treat a problem. Here are some common reasons women may need this type of surgery.
Transvaginal ultrasound uses a special probe that is placed directly into the vagina. This gives a clearer picture of the uterus, ovaries, and other pelvic organs.
Learn what to expect during a laparoscopic tubal sterilization.
Laparoscopic tubal sterilization is an effective form of permanent birth control.
As soon as PID has been diagnosed, it should treated with antibiotics. Two or more types of antibiotics may be taken at the same time. This ensures that all the bacteria are killed. It's very important to take all of your medicine as prescribed, or the infection may not go away.
The reasons for having this procedure vary from person to person. Here are ways to care for yourself at home.
There is no cure for endometriosis, but you can be treated. You and your doctor decided on laparoscopic treatment for you. Here's what you can do at home to help you recover.
Here's what you can do to speed your recovery following your surgical sterilization.
You had surgery to remove one or both of your ovaries Here are instructions to help you recover at home.
Pelvic laparoscopy lets your doctor directly see the reproductive organs. He or she can see what's causing problems. Problems may include pain, bleeding, or trouble getting pregnant.
Robotic-assisted sacrocolpopexy is a type of surgery. It's done to repair pelvic organ prolapse. The surgery is done with special tools and a robotic controller.
Uterine ultrasound is a test that uses sound waves and a computer to make pictures of the inside of the uterus. It is safe and fairly painless. It does not use radiation.
Uterine ulstrasound is a test that uses sound waves and a computer to make pictures of the inside of the uterus. It is safe and painless. It does not use radiation.
A bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy is a type of surgery. During the surgery, a surgeon removes both ovaries and fallopian tubes from your pelvis.
This surgery fixes an ovary that has twisted. When such twisting happens, it's called ovarian torsion.
An ovarian cystectomy is a type of surgery. It removes a cyst from your ovaries. It's usually done only if the cyst is large or painful.
A unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy is a type of surgery. During the surgery, a surgeon removes one ovary and one fallopian tube from your pelvis.
Endocervical curettage is when the healthcare provider takes some tissue from inside your cervix. This tissue is sent to a lab. It is checked for any problems, such as cancer.
Manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) is a type of abortion. It's a procedure that ends an early pregnancy. It uses gentle suction to empty the uterus.
Estos son sacos llenos de líquido. Pueden formarse sobre o dentro de los ovarios (los órganos productores de óvulos del sistema reproductivo femenino). Los quistes ováricos son comunes. La mayoría de las mujeres los tienen en algún momento de sus vidas. En la mayoría de los casos estos no son canceroso y no son peligrosos.
Este es un trastorno hormonal. Se le conoce como "SOP" (o "PCOS", por sus siglas en inglés). Afecta a algunas mujeres y niñas en edad reproductiva. A menudo, comienza alrededor del momento en que una niña tiene su primer período. Pero en algunas mujeres, se desarrolla más tarde.
Este procedimiento quirúrgico mínimamente invasivo se realiza para extirpar un quiste que se ha desarrollado en un ovario. Se realiza con la ayuda de un telescopio de inspección provisto de luz, llamado laparoscopio y es un procedimiento ambulatorio.
A cyst is often a fluid-filled sac, like a small water balloon. Cysts are almost always harmless, and many go away on their own. Here are details about different types of cysts.
An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac that forms on or inside an ovary. In some cases, the cyst can break open (rupture). A ruptured cyst may be treated in several ways. You may just need to keep track of your symptoms. You may need to take pain medicine. In other cases, a cyst may need surgery.
An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac that forms on or inside an ovary. These cysts are very common in women of all ages.
Primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) is when the ovaries stop working normally before the age of 40. An ovary does not release an egg each month as it should. This can cause symptoms and make it much less likely to get pregnant.
Primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) is when the ovaries stop working normally before the age of 40. An ovary does not release an egg each month as it should. This can cause symptoms and make it hard to get pregnant.
Este es un cambio en las células de su cuello uterino. Esa es la parte inferior de su útero. Si usted tiene displasia cervical, las células del cuello uterino comienzan a mostrar señales que no son normales. No son células cancerosas, pero pueden volverse cancerosas con el tiempo.
Este tratamiento utiliza una sonda muy fría para destruir las células anormales del cuello uterino. El cuello uterino es la parte inferior del útero. La criocirugía mata las células que, si no se les da tratamiento, pueden convertirse en cáncer. También utilizamos la criocirugía para tratar los sangrados irregulares del cuello uterino.
Este procedimiento (conocido como LEEP, por sus siglas en inglés) se utiliza para extirpar el tejido anormal del cuello uterino. El cuello uterino es el túnel de paredes gruesas que comunica la vagina con el útero. El útero es el órgano responsable de los embarazos y los períodos menstruales. El LEEP nos ayuda a diagnosticar y tratar problemas del cuello uterino. Elimina las células que, si no se les da tratamiento, pueden convertirse en cáncer.
Cells in the cervix are always changing. In some cases, these cells can change to become abnormal. This is called dysplasia. Dysplasia can turn into cancer. But with regular Pap tests, dysplasia can be caught and treated early.
La enfermedad inflamatoria pélvica (EIP) es una infección de los órganos reproductivos femeninos. Puede provocar dolor y fiebre. Aprenda aquí cómo puede prevenir la EIP y cómo se diagnostica.
Este es un abultamiento en la pared posterior de la vagina. Se produce cuando la pared delgada de tejido situada entre la vagina y el recto no es lo suficientemente fuerte como para contener al recto en su sitio. Esto permite que el recto empuje hacia la vagina.
Esta intervención quirúrgica, que puede realizarse al mismo tiempo que una histerectomía, sirve para elevar y sostener la vagina. Realizamos esta cirugía cuando la parte superior de la vagina se ha colapsado y caído de su posición normal. Esta es una afección llamada "prolapso vaginal".
Esta es una protuberancia en su vagina. Se produce cuando los músculos de las paredes vaginales se debilitan. Esto permite que los órganos y las estructuras se salgan de su posición y empujen dentro de su vagina.
Avoid using douches (unless recommended by your healthcare provider), vaginal sprays, scented toilet paper, or scented tampons. They contain chemicals that can irritate your vagina.
For 48 hours before the test, do not douche, use vaginal medicines or creams. For 24 hours before, do not have sexual intercourse.
The Pap test is a screening test that checks for cell changes in the cervix, the opening of the uterus. In some cases, it checks for a virus that can cause cervical cancer. If your Pap results were abnormal, you may be worried. But there is no reason to panic. An abnormal Pap test result can mean many things.
When your Pap test is sent to the lab, the lab studies your cell samples and reports any abnormal cell changes. Your healthcare provider can discuss these changes with you. In some cases, an abnormal Pap test is due to an infection.
A normal healthy vaginal environment has bacteria and other organisms. If this becomes out of balance, infection can result.
Both good and bad bacteria are present in a healthy vagina. Bacterial vaginosis (BV) occurs when these bacteria get out of balance. The numbers of good bacteria decrease. This allows the numbers of bad bacteria to increase and cause BV.
Vaginal yeast infections are a type of fungal infection. Talk with your healthcare provider about whether you can treat it yourself.
Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease. Both partners need to be treated for this infection.
These steps can help you stay comfortable during treatment of a vaginal infection. They also help prevent vaginal infections in the future.
A Pap test is an important part of screening for cervical cancer, but most women don't need it every year.
During vaginoplasty, a vaginal canal and a vulva are created. Learn more about this procedure and the recovery.
During a vulvoplasty, the outer female genitals are created. This includes the clitoris and inner and outer labia. Learn more about this procedure and the recovery.
Vaginal dryness can occur for different reasons. But it's more common after someone no longer has their menstrual period (menopause).
Con este video aprenderás sobre el suelo pélvico y los problemas comunes de salud que puede provocar.
Un ginecólogo-obstetra es un médico especializado en la salud de la mujer. A veces se le conoce también como "OB-GYN" por sus siglas en inglés. Estos médicos se ocupan de todos los aspectos del aparato reproductor femenino. Atienden a la mujer durante todas las etapas de su vida.
Acute salpingitis is infection of the fallopian tubes. These 2 tubes carry the eggs from the ovary to the uterus. Pelvic pain is the main symptom of acute salpingitis.
Pain in a woman's vulva is called vulvodynia. Some women feel pain in one specific spot. Others may feel pain in different areas or over the whole area.
Fibroids are growths that usually form in the wall of your uterus. Fibroids are the most common tumor in women. They are almost always noncancer (benign) and harmless. .
It's rare, but it is possible to become pregnant during your period, especially if your cycle is not regular.
Condoms can help protect you from most STDs, but they're not perfect. Sometimes they break. A condom can break if it's put on the wrong way.
Endometriosis is a disease that affects your reproductive organs and monthly menstrual cycle. Constant irritation may cause scar tissue to form. This scar tissue can cause infertility.
Birth control keeps you from getting pregnant during sex. There are many types of birth control. Some are more effective than others. New types are being tested all the time. Your healthcare provider can help you decide which type of birth control is best for you.
PID is an infection of the reproductive organs. Left untreated, it can cause severe damage to the body, including infertility.
Your uterine bleeding may be heavy. Or you may have bleeding between periods. These problems may be caused by hormonal imbalance. Or they can be caused by uterine growths, an intrauterine device (IUD), bleeding disorder, or pregnancy.
Pelvic organ prolapse is when 1 or more of the pelvic organs slip from their normal positions. Normally, muscles and tissues in the pelvic region support the pelvic organs and hold them in place.
A woman goes through many stages during her lifetime. These stages are a natural part of being a woman. Physical and emotional changes take place during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, motherhood, and menopause. These changes can affect sleep, even cause insomnia. But there are ways you can improve your sleep.
Pregnancy begins when a woman's egg and a man's sperm join. This is called conception or fertilization.
Birth control prevents pregnancy by preventing conception. Some methods prevent an egg from maturing. Some keep the sperm and egg from meeting. And some methods work in both ways.
PMS is a real condition caused by changing levels of hormones during your monthly period. No one knows why some women have PMS and others don't.
"Track your PMS symptoms to better understand when they may occur. Rank each symptom's severity from ""worst"" to ""none."" Track any other symptoms in the blank rows. At the top of the chart, circle the days of your period. This will help identify the weeks of your cycle."
Maintaining a healthy diet helps your body counter PMS. Certain foods boost serotonin levels and give you the energy to cope with symptoms. Other foods can be avoided to ease symptoms.
The trick to coping with PMS is to work helpful strategies into your daily life. Be active during the day and get enough sleep at night. Take time to relax. And don't be afraid to ask for support.
Complications from untreated PID can take many years to develop. The longer a woman has untreated PID, the greater the chance that these problems will occur.
If you have PID, talking about it can be hard. But your health is at stake. If a recent STI caused your PID, your partner must be tested and treated. If you've had PID for many years, you and your partner may now need to discuss problems such as infertility.
Pelvic congestion syndrome is a condition that causes chronic pelvic pain. It is thought to be caused by problems with the veins in the pelvic area. The pelvic area is inside the lower part of your belly (abdomen).
The Bartholin glands are on the sides of the vaginal opening. If a tube (duct) in one of these glands becomes blocked, it can cause a cyst or abscess.
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